ASC Documents and Minutes

Listed below are links that will take you to PASCNA documents, meeting minutes, and motions from Area Service. All documents can be viewed online or downloaded to your device for future reference.

Area Minutes
Google folder link to view area minutes.
To view Subcommittee reports please click HERE.
PASCNA Area Service Committee extends a warm welcome to all home groups in the area.   Please join us on the first Saturday of every month at 3:00 PM EST so that your home group is represented at the AREA.  You have a voice and your opinion matters.    

If you are unable to attend please send us your homegroup report so that it will be included in our minutes.  Having your homegroup members’ anniversaries and other events included will give other groups in the AREA an opportunity to support your groups.
Print / Order Literature
NAWS Online Literature Form
A PASCNA Literature Subcommittee online NAWS order account
was established and all information will be available to members.
For more information please contact the subcommittee at the following
email address: